Organizing how to best rent your sports related items can be complicated, especially if you are still using old fashioned methods like written journals. It is difficult to keep a good overview of your business without the help of an online booking solution and you will save an enormous amount of time by allowing your clients to book themselves directly online.
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Zaprojektuj profesjonalny i konfigurowalny wygląd dla swojej strony do rezerwacji. Wybierz spośród naszych pięknych, całkowicie unikatowych i całkowicie responsywnych szablonów pasujących do Twojej marki. Możesz nawet wybrać najwygodniejszą metodę umożliwiającą klientom na wgląd do rezerwacji np. poprzez rodzaj, czas lub kadrę pracowniczą.
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- Używaj własnych zdjęć lub wybierz spośród naszych darmowych propozycji
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- Galeria zdjęć z Twojego biznesu online scheduling system can be used for booking tennis courts, football pitches, volleyball courts, basketball fields, pools, golf clubs, balls, nets, uniforms, roller skates, etc. Furthermore, it can be used for boat renting, yacht renting, bike renting, bicycle renting as well as for booking winter equipment like skis, skates, hockey items, snowboards, protective glasses, helmets, sticks, gloves and any other sport equipment you have.
How online booking will help you to improve your business:
Clients can reserve beforehand and be sure they get the equipment when they need it.
You can better track your revenues and know how many items are already reserved.
To make sure clients will arrive, you can charge a confirmation fee or full price for reservation.
You can verify who booked an item by asking for a confirmation email/sms or by simply checking personal data.
You can better organize the process, by putting the exact duration for which you give an item.
You can create your own terms and conditions for item renting that include late return, no-show, damage to the item, etc.
If your business is seasonal, you can create special promotions during low season and send it to your clients.
You have your own beautiful booking website with the pictures of your items and a nice calendar with available and booked slots.
You can create several locations if you offer sport item renting in several places.
Finally, you get rid of paper notes you sticked everywhere not to forget about the clients arrival, because the system will send you an email or sms notification right before it!
System setup will not take long, because our system is simple and intuitive and in case you are stuck, just press Live Chat button and your problem will be solved. online booking system is something that will bring order and peace to your hectic reservations and will simplify renting process for you and your clients!
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