Embassies and consulates around the world are providing various services for citizens of their countries, who are usually dwelling abroad. Often, the employees of these embassies are under a huge strain from people needing help such as renewing passports, advice on legal matters, travelling visa or other business matters. Within the embassies, there are usually various consultants focusing on different issues, accepting appointments and helping people with their issues. Throughout the years, the scheduling of these bookings and meetings have been done over the phone, which unfortunately is not a very effective way for the people nor the staff.
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SimplyBook.me has seen a huge increase in embassies and consulates that have started to use the scheduling software to better organise their meetings with people. We have even been contacted by embassies that we thought were very small and they were needing up to 15.000 bookings per month.
Embassies and consulates need an appointment booking system to schedule people for:
Passport renewals
Legal assistance
Business advice
Visa to access their country
And more...
The SimplyBook.me appointment software suits both the embassies and the consulates perfectly, because it helps to organise these kind of operations. The procedures can be split into different categories with many consultants in each category if needed. Each of the consultants can then have their own working hours schedule, which can be adjusted and tracked directly from the fully mobile responsive system, supplied by SimplyBook.me. If the embassy or consulate has special days closed, they can set all employees off in such occasions. Additional security can be applied and the system can be enhanced so that personal data becomes very secure. In this case, the medical security custom feature can be used.
The embassy and consulate users of SimplyBook.me are highly satisfied with using the online calendar to schedule their workflow and meetings.
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