All parents cherish the time they spend with their children. However, sometimes they need just a little time for social communication, some of them are working parents and need somebody to take care about their child on a daily basis, and others need occasional support and a piece of advice. Whatever the reason, they will be looking for a professional child care services with whom they can trust their child.
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Zaprojektuj profesjonalny i konfigurowalny wygląd dla swojej strony do rezerwacji. Wybierz spośród naszych pięknych, całkowicie unikatowych i całkowicie responsywnych szablonów pasujących do Twojej marki. Możesz nawet wybrać najwygodniejszą metodę umożliwiającą klientom na wgląd do rezerwacji np. poprzez rodzaj, czas lub kadrę pracowniczą.
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A professional, good looking and well-organised booking website can be a decisive factor to choose you. Whether you are an individual babysitter or are running a childcare center, online scheduling system has a lot to offer you!
Our useful features:
Intake forms to request more information from parents. In order to provide good care, it is important to know the child's age, meal preferences, if there are some health issues you should be aware of, etc. The number of questions is unlimited and they can be answered in various types of fields, including drop-downs, texts, digits and checkbox options. You can also make some of the intake form fields optional and relate them with a particular service.
Accept online payments. We use different payment processors like Bitcoins, Paypal, Skrill, ZooZ or Dwolla in order to make the process secure and comfortable for our clients. Simply set the price of your service and when your clients make a booking, they will be transferred to the payment page. If the client does not pay within the payment timeout, set by you, the booking will be automatically cancelled.
Service categories. You are providing both daycare and consultations for families? Have a lot of services and are afraid that your clients will get lost? We will help you to better organize the look and make selection easier. Simply create categories and group your services to make it easier and faster for your clients to find the necessary service.
Website integration. Make your website or Facebook fan page look more professional by adding a booking widget or a button on Facebook fan page.
Forget about late night calls and let provide parents with a 24/7 online access to your schedule. Our online booking software provides top quality services for all types of Child care services including nurseries, day care, babysitting, preschool, nannies, etc. Do not hesitate to make your business even more convenient and up-to-date by adding the possibility to reserve time online at any moment and from any device!
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