In the modern world, people who provide spiritual services are often in need of technological assistance with making and managing reservations.
Whether you provide spiritual consultations for couples, pastoral care services, chaplains services for various faiths, Sunday schools, medium, guidance or any other type of spiritual services, you deal with appointments on a daily basis and having a simple and efficient tool that will arrange your availability and accept bookings 24/7 is a great benefit worth to consider.
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Zaprojektuj profesjonalny i konfigurowalny wygląd dla swojej strony do rezerwacji. Wybierz spośród naszych pięknych, całkowicie unikatowych i całkowicie responsywnych szablonów pasujących do Twojej marki. Możesz nawet wybrać najwygodniejszą metodę umożliwiającą klientom na wgląd do rezerwacji np. poprzez rodzaj, czas lub kadrę pracowniczą.
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With the scheduling app you will be able:
To have your own booking website, where everyone can book from you or add booking functionality to your existing website to motivate people reserving time online.
To access your bookings from admin calendar with easy interface and variety of options to cancel, reschedule or check the info of the booking.
To request the info you need from your clients with the help of intake forms. For example you can ask them to briefly describe the case and prepare for the appointment.
To send instructions and informative emails before the service to remind clients about their meetings.
To sync your agenda with Google calendar to make sure no one books time occupied by other personal or business events.
To collect feedback of your clients and show them on your booking website.
To connect your booking page to Facebook fanpage to give clients more options where to book from and increase your visibility. scheduling app will become an invaluable assistance in your everyday life, because no paper notebook can compare with the usability and convenience of online agenda that plans your time and reservations according to your availability. We offer extensive assistance with setup as well as a great collection of tutorials that will help you to configure the system in less than an hour! We value your time and for this reason recommend trying our schedule maker to make the routine of reservations as simple as possible.
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