Managing dozens of candidates for a position may be a difficult task to achieve for any human relationship manager or recruiter. Calling, arranging meetings, changing your and candidates' plans according to availability is very time-consuming and even tiring procedure. Can you imagine that there is an online calendar, where your candidates can easily see the availability of recruiter and reserve appointment with him/her at the time suitable for the applicant.
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Zaprojektuj profesjonalny i konfigurowalny wygląd dla swojej strony do rezerwacji. Wybierz spośród naszych pięknych, całkowicie unikatowych i całkowicie responsywnych szablonów pasujących do Twojej marki. Możesz nawet wybrać najwygodniejszą metodę umożliwiającą klientom na wgląd do rezerwacji np. poprzez rodzaj, czas lub kadrę pracowniczą.
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- Galeria zdjęć z Twojego biznesu is a professional scheduling software that guarantees security of clients’ data as well as high quality booking servcies provided to companies all over the world.
You should choose appointmnet scheduling software because:
We provide our users with top-notch booking functionality that can be added to a website or be used as a standalone booking website. You can simply send the link to the booking page to your candidates and they will reserve time with you when it suits you both.
Flexible and convenient admin calendar, where you can edit, reschedule and cancel bookings.
Email and sms notifications sent to candidates after the booking is made and right before the interview.
Ability to approve candidates manually. You can choose what bookings made by candidate to approve or reject. Some applicants already passed the interview and apply for the second time, or their experience mismatches your needs.
Request additional info when client makes a booking. You can ask special questions, have a text area for the cover letter or ask the potential employee to insert the link to their LinkedIn profile.
Ability to set an individual schedule for each recruiter and show his/her availability accordingly.
And of course a lot more!
If you have any questions or are wondering how the system works, feel free to create your free trial account and experience how easy and convenient booking can be. Scheduling the interviews online is a great solution for both candidates and the interviewer because it gives full freedom to choose suitable time without bothering each other with calls and messaging. Try booking software and make your interview scheduling process organized and pleasant!
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