Have you ever noticed how many business events take place every day or every week? It can be business related training, workshops, networking, conferences, seminars and many more. If you are going to hold your own business events, then you probably need a user-friendly and nice looking booking system that will allow your future clients to easily find your company and make a booking.
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Zaprojektuj profesjonalny i konfigurowalny wygląd dla swojej strony do rezerwacji. Wybierz spośród naszych pięknych, całkowicie unikatowych i całkowicie responsywnych szablonów pasujących do Twojej marki. Możesz nawet wybrać najwygodniejszą metodę umożliwiającą klientom na wgląd do rezerwacji np. poprzez rodzaj, czas lub kadrę pracowniczą.
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Online appointment scheduling software SimplyBook.me will definitely suit your needs! It allows you to create as many services as you need and multiple service providers. Your clients will only need to choose a service, pick a date and time and confirm the booking.
Among other features are:
Accept payments online – SimplyBook.me provides an efficient way to receive payments, clients will confirm the booking and make a payment – it will save you time and ease your life.
Multiple categories – if you provide multiple events you can organize wisely all your events into different categories using Service categories custom feature. It will significantly ease the process of finding the right event for your clients.
Fully mobile responsive – in our busy world, people spend a lot of time out and about, far from their laptops. With SimplyBook.me you can be sure that clients will be able to find your company easily and book an appointment by using their smartphones. SimplyBook.me provides fully mobile responsive system both for clients and admin.
Multiple locations – if your events are held in different places then you can easily indicate this using the Multiple Locations custom feature.
Email and sms notifications – with the SimplyBook.me online appointment software you and your clients will receive confirmations, reminders and notifications about booking changes. You can stay calm as all your clients will receive all important booking details and won't miss the appointment.
SimplyBook.me scheduling software provides you with a fully mobile responsive admin interface and your own customizable booking website. This very flexible software with easy administration will help you to boost your business and organize your work. Take a right decision and do not miss a chance to make your business even more successful!
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