Our health is undoubtedly the most important element in our lives. That is why appointments to a physiologist, consultation or treatment will always be important to us. SimplyBook.me online scheduling software can provide physiologists with exceptional possibility to organize your schedule and simplify the booking process for your patients.
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Would you like to provide your clients with the best service possible, both in terms of the booking process and the service you provide? If yes, SimplyBook.me is the most convenient, reliable and secure appointment system designed specifically for your needs.
Benefits of using the SimplyBook.me booking system for Physiologists:
Adding and managing appointments from both admin and client interface at any time and from any device. This option is probably the most important one while you are looking for ways to simplify bookings and give your clients a chance to reserve time online just with several clicks
Security and confidentiality of all client data. The security of our SimplyBook.me appointment app is without any doubts of highest standards, because we never display your client's info to anyone except you. Furthermore, you may use our Patient data protection (HIPAA) custom feature designed specially to help SimplyBook.me users to protect their clients' and patients' data even more by limiting the access of support staff to your account. It does not replace user's own security procedures but enhances SimplyBook.me data security by using double authentication during login process for all users who access the system, automatic logout in case of inactivity and adding security protocol (https://) to your booking website.
Sending notifications to your patients. Our online booking app can send email and/or SMS notifications to your clients before the appointment to remind about the consultation or in case of cancellation or booking change.
Integration with third party platforms. SimplyBook.me appointment software allows you to integrate with numerous third party platforms such as Google Calendar, WordPress, Facebook, Zapier, Wix, PayPal, etc
Track your customers progress with our SOAP custom feature. SOAP stands for subjective, objective, assessment and plan and with this feature you can insert time stamped text records within each of the four fields which remains attached to the client's data record.
Feel free to create your trial account with us and experience the ease and simplicity of online bookings! SimplyBook.me online schedule maker is one of the best on the market and proved its reliability to hundreds of thousands of clients. Do not hesitate to contact us via phone or chat for additional assistance!
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